الدليل الصناعي السوري
Khaled Mohamed Nazir Khabbaz
The Company's name Khaled Mohamed Nazir Khabbaz
Phone First +963 11 4729555
Phone Second +963 11 4729666
Mobile First +963 966701445
Mobile Second +963 966566060
City Damascus
Title Damascus _ Al Zabaltani _ Behind the 8th of March Complex _ Divided 14 _ Basement
Specialization Manufacture and repair of all types of hosiery presses, presses and regulators
About company
Khaled Mohamed Nazir Khabbaz
Address: Damascus _ Al Zabaltani _ behind the complex of March 8 _ Section 14 _ Basement
Specialization: Manufacture and repair of all types of molds for ironing socks, presses and regulators
First phone: 4729555
Second phone: 4729666
First Mobile: 0966701445
Second mobile: 0966566060

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