الدليل الصناعي السوري
Armage Hotel ****
The Company's name Armage Hotel ****
Phone First +963 11 4435344
Mobile First +963 948888298
City Damascus
Title Damascus _ Arnous Square
Specialization hotel
About company
Armage Hotel ****
A swimming hotel that receives tourist groups, domestic tourism, and businessmen, in addition to receiving official and informal meetings and training courses for bodies, unions, professional organizations, and companies, and providing the necessary halls and services for that, in addition to social events and weddings.
The Armtage Hotel is located in an excellent location in the middle of the important commercial markets in Damascus - Arnous Square. It was opened in 2012 AD and is distinguished by its modern construction, completely glass facades, and a picturesque view of the city of Damascus. And the comfortable family atmosphere, where amenities, modern high-end service, and competitive prices are available, all with the provision of all advanced and modern equipment.
Address: Damascus _ Arnous Square
Specialization: Hotel
Tel: 4435344
Mobile: 0948888298
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