الدليل الصناعي السوري
The Company's name Rollana
Phone First +963 982293303
Mobile First +963 982293303
City Ref Damascus
Title Aqraba - Hovercraft Road - Ayla Advertising Company Factory
Specialization Chocolate - wafer - sweets - confectionery
About company


Rolana Chocolate Manufacturing Company began its journey into the world of confectionery in the fall of 1994. The content of the journey was to search for a special place among chocolate makers in Damascus and its surroundings.
However, this distinction is not something that is not easy with the presence of a number of experienced chocolate industry professionals. However, the effort expended by us has helped in quickly climbing the ladder of experience and confidence.
The idea of excellence in producing a type of sweets that is difficult to manufacture and difficult to compete with was the main concern of Rolana Company until the features of this idea became clear by entering the world of balls.
  Wafer stuffed and dipped in luxurious chocolate was our first product in 2008, and Rolana returned after the war to establish her own factory in Damascus in 2018, due to the urgent demand.
  The largest part of the Egyptian market was the opening of the Rolana Chocolate factory in the Arab Republic of Egypt in the 10th of Ramadan Industrial Zone in the year 2021, with high-quality German production lines.
  Development to keep pace with global development, all with great support from the individuals of the Jabri Group Solidarity Foundation. These individuals are the Jabrico Company and the Nukan Company, the two sisters of the Rolana Company, which
  We have a very special place among chocolate and wafer manufacturing companies
Address: Aqraba - Hovercraft Road - Ayla Advertising Company Factory
Specialization: chocolate - wafer - sweets - confections
Mobile: 0982293303
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