الدليل الصناعي السوري
Al Set Foodstuffs Manufacturing and Trading Establishment
The Company's name Al Set Foodstuffs Manufacturing and Trading Establishment
Phone First +963 11 6941957
Mobile First +963 943213089
City Ref Damascus
E-mail al.seet.sy@gmail.com
Title Syria - Damascus Countryside - Al Majidiyah
Specialization Food industry and trade
About company
Al-Sett Foodstuffs Manufacturing and Trading
Established in 1992 in Syria - Damascus Countryside
Specialization: Canned food
Products: Canned: Peas - Beans - Chickpeas with Tahini - Musakaa - Yalanji - Eggplant dip - Grilled eggplant - Baba Ghanoush - Corn
Jams: Blackberry jam - Sunflower - Strawberry - Fig - Orange - Pumpkin - Cherry
Pickles of all kinds
Olives of all kinds - Olive oil
Tomato paste - Pepper paste - Pomegranate paste - Pizza sauce
Rose water - Orange blossom water - Apple cider vinegar - White vinegar
Telephone: 6941957
Mobile: 0943213089
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