الدليل الصناعي السوري
Al-Bakhtiyar for manufacturing steam boilers
The Company's name Al-Bakhtiyar for manufacturing steam boilers
Phone First +963 983180262
Mobile First +963 983180262
Mobile Second +963 956265316
City Ref Damascus
Title Before Hosh Place _ Old Road _ Ashour Industrial Complex
Specialization Manufacture of all types of steam boilers Steam boilers - brane - olive waste - diesel - fuel
About company
Al-Bakhtiyar for manufacturing steam boilers
Al-Bakhtiyar for manufacturing steam, hot water and air boilers, pyrene - diesel - fuel - and high-pressure welding
Professional certificate from Siemens and Al-Karmel Company
Address: Before Housh Place - Old Road - Ashour Industrial Complex
Mobile: 0983180262 / 0956265316

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