الدليل الصناعي السوري
TT Foundation and Virgin Flowers for detergents
The Company's name TT Foundation and Virgin Flowers for detergents
Phone First +963 11 5682555
Phone Second +963 11 5684855
Mobile First +963 944772150
City Ref Damascus
Website www.teteazharalpotol.com
Title Damascus countryside _ Jaramana _ Al-Nahda neighborhood _ next to Karm Al-Zaytoun restaurant
Specialization Detergent
About company
TT Foundation and Virgin Flowers for detergents
Address: Damascus countryside _ Jaramana _ Al-Nahda neighborhood _ next to Karm Al-Zaytoun restaurant
Specialization: Detergents
First phone: 115682555
Second phone: 115684855
Mobile: 0944772150
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